CD Audio Review - How to Influence People by John C. Maxwell

I got this from, via their monthly subscription service called "Book of the Month". You pay £10/month and they automatically send you their chosen book or CD of the month.

You can also buy this product here;

This is 5 CD's and I am loving it! John is a great speaker and puts the information over extremely well, had me in tears a couple of times - not such a good idea perhaps when you are driving! - the main thing I have got from this is;

"Your integrity is the most important thing, not externally but internally, that quiet confidence that you have it. Work on it daily"

We all face challenges and negativity from people who do not understand us or what we are trying to achieve, but if you have integrity so that you are always endeavoring to do the right thing for the right reasons then that will carry you forward.

Have a great day :-)


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