Give up work....

If someone said you could jack in working if you just give up having a car, would you sacrifice a car for freedom?

How about if you could jack working if you give up your mobile phone/ Internet / smoking / takeaways and alcohol/ parties
Would you sacrifice all that for pure freedom?

20 years ago when I had to make the jump from employment to self serving when I worked out how much I spent on the stuff I wanted rather than needed. I saw I could make the jump easier than I ever thought !!!
Each time I made more spondoolies I re-add what I gave up.

In my time I've met people who without knowing it, especially households with 2 people working, one of them is technically working full time for the luxuries and extravagances, missing out on kids growing up and sometimes life itself. All for a new car and bigger house.

It's makes no difference to me if I'm sat on a Chesterfield or a milk crate as long as I dont miss my life and those in it...

Don't be a slave to your vanity or your wants

Written by Russell Jarmesty 29th Dec 2015 and reproduced with his permission :-)  


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