What defines crazy?

I had a thought over the weekend and if was this; "the only difference between a crazy person and an inspirational person is achievement". If you look back over history you'll see it time and time again; Nelson Mandela, The Wright Brothers, Bruce Lee, Roger Banister, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Henry Ford the list goes on and on, all were thought to have crazy ideas, crazy dreams, they were told "it'll never work!", "why put yourself through this?", but they had a dream and the determination to see it through.
This came out of a discussion my wife and I were having - 2 years ago we sold our web design business, Amanda went on to focus her efforts on a social enterprise "Forever Savvy", which helps and trains adults with learning disabilities to work in a positive risk environment on a farm with horses and chickens. People thought she was crazy, why would she give up a high technology business to focus on this? However, she did it, she wrote out her goals, set time boundaries, got the people together she needed to help her and she did it. And now, guess what? People are saying she is an inspiration! Many of us dream and wish for better things; a better life, more money, more free quality time, to spend time in a particular country or do or achieve something specific or just to have an easier life.

Well it is possible, follow these steps, taken from Zig Ziglar;
1. Write your goals down
2. Answer "why" to each goal
3. Check they are "proper" goals
4. Confirm that your goals fit with your morals
5. Divide them into to short, medium and long term
6. Pick the 4 most important
7. Work through these 4, the how, the when and the why.

Remember, while you are building your life people will think you are crazy, once you have built it they will think you are amazing!


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